
Whip Mix VeriWash Dental 3D Printed Parts Washing Unit
December 2, 2021

Are Articulators Still the Gold Standard in Dentistry?

With the heavy push for digital dentistry and all things virtual, I have been asked to address the question “Are Articulators Still…

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June 24, 2021

The Importance of Records in Diagnostic & Treatment Planning

Accurate records are critical in a diagnostic and treatment plan. What looks easy may not be, and when a balanced occlusion becomes unbalanced and is ignored, it sets off a string of negative events….

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April 15, 2021

Functional Occlusion in the Digital Age, An Encore Webinar

This webinar will take the mystery of what articulators do, how to understand them, how to implement their use in the lab, and how to incorporate them into the digital work flow….

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August 21, 2020

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 4: Fully Adjustable Articulators

I have been asked over the years; Do I need to have a Fully Adjustable Articulator?

The short answer is no, unless. . ….

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August 7, 2020

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 3: Adjustable Inclination and Bennett Angle Settings

There are times when work manufactured by a lab tech needs to incorporate jaw movement that is closer to true patient movements….

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July 30, 2020

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 2: Open Fossa vs Closed Tracking Instruments

Articulators are designed to have either “open fossa” or “closed tracking” condylar guidance….

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