May 27, 2016
3 Common Problems for Loss of Vacuum in the VPM2 Programmable Mixer
Don’t let loss of vacuum become an issue for your VPM2 Programmable Mixer. Here are three common problems for loss of vacuum and how to fix them….
April 28, 2016
BANG! Exploding Model Trimmer Wheels
Exploding model trimmer wheels can happen. Learn what causes this and what you can do to prevent it….
November 21, 2013
Maintaining Your Whip Mix Vacuum Mixers
Learn how the vac-u-care maintenance kit can help you extend the life of your Combination or Power Plus Mixer from Whip Mix…
June 13, 2012
4 Simple Steps for Maintaining Your Whip Mix Model Trimmer
Model Trimmers are a staple of the dental laboratory. Learn how you can extend the life of your model trimmer with these 4 tips….