Technique & Lab Supplies
Training Your Clinical Staff on Digital Workflows
It’s vitally important to have properly trained digital workflow clinical team members. This is THE #1 ingredient to having a successful, efficient,…
NBC Support of Dental Lab Technicians
Interestingly, it seems the more you know, the more you realize what you don’t know. In support of continuing education, we’d like…
A Whip Mix Webinar: How to Do All-on-4 Full Mouth Conversions
Explore new ways to achieve optimal Dentist/Surgeon/Technician teamwork, using digital communication and design, and new shared responsibilities….
Pins Too Snug in Your Mainstay Articulator?
Do you ever find that a Mainstay dowel pin won’t seat completely in the Mainstay Articulator? Not to worry, there’s an easy fix!…
Don’t Forget the ‘Old Stuff’!
Don’t forget the ‘Old Stuff’. Know where we came from as an industry. Apply the lessons of the past to the materials and processes of the future….
Temperature, Chemistry, Physics and Your Lab
We all know that hot air rises and cold air sinks. We adjust to those conditions without even thinking, but what about the materials we use everyday in our labs? In some ways, they are more sensitive to the temps than we are. Read to see how we need to consider temperature, chemistry and physics….