Happy Holidays from Whip Mix
As Christmas 2018 approaches, I am being reminded almost daily that there is so much to be thankful for. For instance, Chico, California is ground zero for my annual forays to a duck blind in pursuit of migrating ducks coming in for a landing amongst the bobbing duck decoys. But now my California friends in Butte County are dealing with the horrendous aftermath of the Camp Fire that was centered around Paradise. So many lives lost in just a few hours as the fire spread a mile a minute!
Closer to home, I have just started an exercise program at a local gym. My joints and back had really gotten to the point that a good night’s sleep was impossible and the limited mobility made me consider asking for a handicap parking permit.
But in the few weeks since starting my program, I am finding that so many others of ALL ages are dealing with far greater disabilities than I. Sure, there are those that pass me on the oval track or rack up impressive weights on the bench press bar. However, so many others are recovering from a surgery or other medical challenge and this makes me grateful for what mobility I do have.
My wish for you this holiday season is the ability to appreciate the blessings that you have and to be willing to share your gifts with others around you. Just a smile and a few words of encouragement go a long way in connecting us. And while my contribution to the shelter program in Butte County will warm my heart, it will also help a homeless family recover from the recent wildfire.
Allen Steinbock
CEO and Chairman
Whip Mix Corporation