In The Spirit of The Joyous Season
Though I am tempted to pen a light, humorous message on this Christmas Eve, 2015, let me instead share my concerns on a serious topic that affects us all.
As a leader here at Whip Mix, I have traveled to dozens of countries and met thousands of dentists and lab technicians and other dental professionals using Whip Mix products. Despite the wide diversity in language, culture, religious heritage and education, my interactions have been entirely positive and based on the universal “Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”
Yet there are now a growing number of radicals, mostly in or from the Middle East, who are using terrorism as a tool to achieve their distorted religious goals. In this particularly indiscriminate form of terrorism, the more dead innocent victims, the better, regardless of age, nationality, gender, or religious belief.
I believe that this “war” can be won by the formation of a coalition of peoples and countries who refuse to accept the world view of these fanatics & who are willing to build bridges of understanding, not barriers.
In the spirit of the joyous season,
“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with each of us”.