
How to Make a Custom Anterior Guide Table

Anterior Guide Table blog resized 600Most patients who come to a dental office for occlusion related treatment will have normal occlusion. However, if your patient presents you with more complex dental problems you should consider using an anterior guide table. Indications such as tooth wear, occlusal pathway wear and restricted envelopes involve a more closer look at treatment options.

When confronted with these types of indications, it would be wise to replicate this pattern in the restorations you make for them, when you restore their case. One of the best techniques to recreate this pattern is to make a custom anterior guide table to imitate anatomical details obtained from the anterior guidance of original restorationsYou will need a set of accurately poured casts mounted on an articulator using a face-bow registration and an accurate Centric Relation bite registration or intercuspal position and a protrusive record, to set condylar inclination.

Watch as Al Fillastre, CDT shows us how to create a custom anterior guide table using the Denar® Mark 320 articulator: