
The Longstanding PRO 100 Series Porcelain Furnace

I know most of you aren’t going to like what I have to say, but nothing lasts forever. There I said it, I know it hurts but it’s the truth.

We are all concerned about our automobile’s age, some of us plan for a replacement, while others drive them into the ground and face an unplanned cost to replace it; it’s just human nature. The same thing happens with water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers and for me not too long ago, a home central air conditioner. The replacement costs for any of these machines are never fun and of course we wish that they would last forever, but they don’t (I said it again).

This is especially true when it comes to electronics. I noticed the other day that there was an iPod plugged into a computer at the house. I’m sure that there are still some folks using these devices, but I would bet that most have their music on their phone. It is an improvement in the delivery of the music and the convenience of the device. If the iPod broke, I’m sure it would be difficult to get it repaired, due to the age of the device and the state of engineering that went into it at the time. It reminded me of sitting in church years ago when the World Series was on and still America’s favorite pass time. A couple of the guys had a ‘transistor radio’ in their pockets and the little ear piece run under their suit jackets to listen to the game. It was good technology, but since then things have improved.

The PRO 100 Series Porcelain Furnaces

The same is true for the PRO 100 Series porcelain furnaces. Users of these furnaces should know that this has been a terrific machine in our industry and many are still in service today, producing beautiful restorations, but the engineering is over 20 years old and it has not been manufactured for nearly 10 years. What does this mean to users of the PRO 100? It means that when the machine breaks down, there may not be many parts available.

Earlier this year, Whip Mix made the decision to stop servicing these machines. While it is still worth a call to see if a replacement part is available, you shouldn’t be surprised to find it is not. Many of the original parts for the PRO 100 are not available to Whip Mix either.

If you have a PRO 100 and it is still in working condition, then I highly recommend replacing the internal battery (yes…it has one…). Many users tend to overlook this recommendation that is stated in the user manual:

“Your furnace contains a battery that is used to maintain power to the computer memory even when the power is turned off. This battery should be replaced every 5 years, and should be replaced with the power on.”

Just how important is this?? Well if the battery dies and you lose power to the machine, the main board dies…no repairing. Your option at this point is to purchase one of the remaining main boards. Some of you are not currently using these machines but have them put away as a ‘backup’ furnace. Have you checked to see if the machine is still alive?

If you have not replaced that battery in recent memory, and your furnace is still alive, then it is time to do just that. You can get that information by contacting Furnace or Technical Support and we will send you the information you need to replace the battery.

If the PRO 100 is your one and only porcelain furnace, then it is time to replace or plan on a replacement in the near future. For many labs, when the furnace goes down the work stops. And, just like my air conditioner, you are faced with an unexpected and large expense.

The new PRO 200 furnace line is built on updated technology and fires with the same efficiency on all old and current ceramics that you use. It still has the best warranty and loaner program in the business and is built right here in the good old USA.

Yep…it’s true, nothing lasts forever. Now would be the time to plan for your future…