
Using your Hanau™ Ulti-Mate Mounting Platform

The Ulti-Mate Mounting Platform was designed to be used as an aid in the arbitrary mounting of dental casts to the Ulti-Mate Articulator. When no Facebow record is available, the position of the casts (models), relative to the condyles and anterior pin of the articulator, cannot easily duplicate the position of the Maxilla in the patient. An ‘arbitrary’ mounting of the casts is then necessary.

In the past, many techniques have been used to find the proper alignment with varyingUltiMate Mounting Platform results.

The Ulti-Mate Mounting Platform is designed using the Camper’s Plane* as the standard reference.

*Camper’s Plane, a plane extending from the inferior border of the ala of the nose to the superior border of the tragus of the ear.

The use of the Camper’s Plane allows you to standardize your mounting to a 15 degree anterior downward angle. The platform utilizes median, lateral and anterior reference lines set at 5 millimeter increments for cast positioning (alignment), either anterior/posterior or laterally.

Check to see that the Anterior Pin is set at ‘0’ and is centered on the Guide Table. Place the Mounting Platform in the lower half of the articulator in place of the mounting plate. Using the thumb knob under the articulator, screw in the mounting plate until it fits tight against the lower member of the articulator.

When using a dentulous cast; align the median plane (mid-line between #8 and #9) of the cast with the median line (center line) of the mounting platform at the incisal edge of the centrals. Align the remaining dentition with the lateral lines, using the equivalent line on either side of the platform. You may hold the cast in place with a small amount of sticky wax, utility wax or hot glue.

With the mounting plate in correct position on the upper member, mount the upper cast using Whip Mix Mounting Stone or Mounting Plaster. When sufficiently set, remove the wax or glue from the cast and open the upper articulator member.

Ultimate Blog2Attach the lower cast (model) to the upper cast using the bite registration provided by the doctor, holding upper and lower casts in place with sticky wax or hot glue. Mount the lower cast to the lower articulator arm using Mounting Stone or Mounting Plaster. Invert the articulator so that it is resting on the upper member and remove the Mounting Platform.

When using an edentulous cast, you will need the correctly marked wax Bite Blocks from the dentist.

Place the cast into the Bite Block and fix together with wax, if necessary.  Center the bite block and cast on the Mounting Platform; with the bite block mid line mark (median line) on the Median line of the mounting platform and the incisal edge on one of the three anterior reference lines. Equally align the remainder of the bite block with the lateral lines of the platform. Hold in place on the platform with sticky wax or utility wax.

With a mounting plate in correct position on the upper member, mount the upper cast using Mounting Stone or Mounting Plaster. When sufficiently set, remove the attaching wax from the bite block or cast, and open the upper articulator member.

Invert the articulator so that it is resting on the upper member, and remove the Mounting Platform.

Place and affix the lower bite block, or lower cast, correctly against the upper bite block using Doctor supplied information. Mount the lower cast to the lower articulator arm using Mounting Stone or Mounting Plaster.

Although this mounting is arbitrary, it does not have to be random or miss-aligned. Use of the Ulti-Mate Mounting Platform will produce a more consistent and predictable mounting.