Laboratory Plaster gypsum

Mounting Plaster

ISO Type 1

Quick setting, low strength, low expansion gypsum.

Mounting Plaster


Iso Type 1

A specially formulated plaster which offers a low setting expansion and fast setting time. Its low compressive strength allows mounting plates to be easily cleaned.

*Incorporate 15 seconds, hand spatulate 30 seconds.

Physical Properties:

Water/Powder Ratio: 3 mL/100 g powder

Working Time: 60 - 90 Seconds

Setting Time: 3 minutes

Setting Expansion: 0.09%

Compressive Strength, Wet (1 hour): 640 psi (4 MPa)

Compressive Strength, Dry (48 hrs.): 1,800 psi (12 MPa)

Technical Resources


Item Number
Mounting Plaster White 100-100g Packages No. 15550 Contact to Order
Mounting Plaster White 33#/15KG No. 330090 Contact to Order

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