Whip Mix Universal Articulator Case

Whip Mix Universal Articulator Case

This durable case will safely protect your articulator and fit in school lockers.

Whip Mix Universal Articulator Case


The Universal Articulator Case is ideal for most Denar® and Hanau™ articulators such as:

  • Hanau™ Wide-Vue and Modulars
  • Denar® Mark II and Automark
  • Denar® Mark 300 series
  • Hanau™ Wide-Vue and Modulars
  • Hanau™ Wide-Vue and Modulars
  • Hanau™ Wide-Vue and Modulars

Denar® and Hanau™ articulators that will not use the case: the Mate family (Hanau-Mate, Ulti-Mate, Model Mate), and LabRelator accessory.

In the lid of the case, the Denar® Slidematic, Hanau™ Springbow, and Whip Mix 9645 facebows will snap into place.

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Item Number
Whip Mix Universal Articulator Case No. 110295 Shop Now

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