Whip Mix FlowStone FS Blue Specialty Stone Dental Gypsum

FlowStone FS

ISO Type 4

Fast setting fluid low expansion base stone gypsum.

FlowStone FS


Iso Type 4

FlowStone FS sets 50% faster than typical stone products. Early high strength allows separation from base mold in 15 minutes. Use Flowstone FS with Lean Rock Die Stone and streamline your entire model fabrication process.

Flowstone FS delivers all the benefits and features of Flowstone and more:

  • Low Setting Expansion – .08% produces a dimensionally stable base for master models
  • Dense surface – Resists dowel pin abrasion
  • Quick, 8 minutes setting time – Allows for small batch processing (about 6 bases in one pour) Manual stacking is eliminated

Physical Properties:

Water/Powder Ratio: 24 mL/100 g

Working Time: 2 - 3 Minutes

Setting Time: 4 - 6 minutes

Setting Expansion: .08%

Compressive Strength, Wet (1 hour): 6,000 psi (41 MPa)

Compressive Strength, Dry (48 hrs.): 12,000 psi (83 MPa)

Technical Resources


Item Number
FlowStone FS Blue 33#/15KG No. 330072 Contact to Order
FlowStone FS White 33#/15KG No. 330073 Contact to Order

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